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From 1 November 2023, the shingles vaccine Shingrix® will replace Zostavax® on the National Immunisation Program (NIP) schedule for the prevention of shingles and post-herpetic neuralgia.

It will be available for eligible people most at risk of complications from shingles.

A 2-dose course of Shingrix® will be available for free for:

  • people aged 65 years and older
  • First Nations people aged 50 years and older
  • immunocompromised people aged 18 years and older with medical conditions including:
  • haemopoietic stem cell transplant
  • solid organ transplant
  • haematological malignancy
  • advanced or untreated HIV.

Unlike Zostavax®, Shingrix® does not contain any live virus so it can be given to people aged 18 years and over who are immunocompromised

Can patients who have previously received Zostavax receive Shingrix?

Yes, if they wish to increase their protection against herpes zoster.

Although evidence in this population is limited, no safety concerns have been identified.

An interval of at least 12 months between receipt of Zostavax and Shingrix is currently recommended based on expert opinion.

Two doses of Shingrix are still required.